
Soothe inflammation, hush your flush


Rosy cheeks and blushing are uniquely human reactions, and something we’ve all experienced at some point. Blushing is emotional communication, it’s normal, it’s healthy. Rosacea is not normal. Rosacea is red patches, swollen, bumpy, and inflamed. It tends to develop in mid-life and recurs again and again. Rosacea often leads to thickened skin with prominent pores, and visible blood vessels. Rosacea starts in your genes.

Rosacea can be treated, but management is often both medical science and art. All rosacea comes with a story. Let’s discover your history and get you on the right skin care routine.

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Soothe redness, hush your flush


About this Condition

Rosacea is a condition of chronic facial inflammation. Commonly, red spots develop on the nose, cheeks, and chin during adulthood. Recurrent flare ups can lead to long standing redness.

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but there is a common profile and triggers associated with the condition:

  • Rosacea occurs mostly in fair-skinned women in their 30s to 50s.

  • Many people have sensitive, dry, and scaly skin types.

  • Often there is a family history of rosacea.

  • Exposure to sunlight and heat may be a trigger.

Lifestyle changes often help to calm rosacea. Some triggers to avoid include:

  • Exposure to sunlight

  • Taking hot baths

  • Spending time in hot environments

  • Cold weather

  • Exposure to wind

  • Exercising strenuously

  • Stress

  • Alcohol consumption

  • Smoking

  • Spicy food

  • Hot beverages

The first step is to understand your skin and triggers for rosacea. Most important is a consistent facial skin care routine. Protection from UV sun light is always the first line of treatment. Lifestyle changes often make the redness less noticeable. Rosacea is dermal inflammation and sensitivity. Several medications are effective for mitigating these reactive processes.
No, not really. Untreated rosacea is most likely to advance over time. Flushing tends to become more or a permanent feature, blood vessels noticeably dilate. Faces can appear swollen, the dermis often thickens and pores become more prominent.

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