Acne Treatment

Stop the inflammatory cycle

Acne Treatments

Inflammation? My face? The wrong time? UUG! Acne is pustules, white heads, blacks heads, blemishes, texture changes, and scars… and always inflammation, and always at the wrong time.

A personalized skin care regimen can halt acute acne and suppress the chronic recurrence. Let’s get out in head of your irritants. Treat the specific causes of your condition and stop the cycles of inflammation. Let’s talk and examine your skin together. We can get you the right skin care to calm your face for good.

Schedule a Skin Care Consultation, available at both our Bellevue & Tacoma clinics

Get off the acne merry-go-round


About this Condition


Acne is both sudden(acute) and long-term(chronic) inflammation of the skin causing the face to develop pimples, black heads, white heads, pustules, cysts, and scars. Acne is very common. About 85% of people have had to deal with acne in their youth. Unfortunately, 20% of men and women in their 40s still develop acne.

Acne is like a perfect storm on your face. Several little things seem to conspire to cause both acute and chronic acne. These include: skin bacterium, natural skin secretions, hormones, diet, and yes, stress.

Acne comes in many forms:

Mild acne is limited to black heads and white heads, and a rare, inflamed pustule.

Moderate acne has a great deal more inflammation. Pimples and pustules are common. Too common.

Cystic Acne is severe acne. There is recurrent tender nodules, pustules, and cysts…and then scarring. Rough texture and scars are the mark of chronic cystic acne inflammation.

Fortunately, there are many good treatments for acne, including topical and oral therapies. We need to get to know your face. Let’s examine your skin together and get you the right skin care routine. A personalize skin care regimen can halt acute acne and suppress chronic recurrence.

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